
Representative decisions

These published decisions are selected from numerous proceedings in which I have successfully represented my clients before the civil panels of the Federal Supreme Court in recent years.

Judgment of May 5, 2020 – KZR 36/17

The antitrust panel of the Federal Supreme Court strengthens the position of the owners of standard essential patents and finds in favor of my client, the patent owner.

Order of January 30, 2020 and Judgment of March 10, 2020 – I ZR 1/19

The Supreme Court considers the design protection of parts of a complex product. After refer to the European Court of Justice (C-123/20) the Supreme Court vacates the Court of Appeals decision that I had appealed and remands the matter to the Court of Appeals.

Order of February 2, 2020 – I ZB 21/19

In a leading case concerning the danger of confusion in trademark law, the Federal Supreme Court follows my argument that descriptive elements common to both trademarks have to be considered and vacates the decision by the Federal Patent Court that had taken the opposite view.

Judgement of December 3, 2019 – KZR 29/17

The antitrust panel vacates a judgement that had dismissed the complaint of my client, a cable network operator against a public broadcaster and sets guidelines how the compensation for distributing broadcasts by cable are to be calculated.

Judgment of October 11, 2019 – V ZR 7/19

I enforce a contractual use restriction for certain real estate that my client had agreed with a competitor. The Federal Supreme Court accepts my argument that this agreement is not subject to the form requirements of real estate transactions.

Judgment of October 8, 2019 – KZR 73/17

The media companies represented by me achieve an important victory against the distributers of so-called advertising blockers that had been considered legal in earlier decisions.

Judgment of June 27, 2019 – IX ZR 167/18

In this judgement that belongs in the context of one of the biggest investment fraud cases of the last decades, the Federal Supreme Court constitutes major guidelines for loans provided by shareholders to insolvent companies.

Judgment of May 9, 2019 – I ZR 205/07

The telecommunication provider represented by me defends itself successfully against the action brought by a consumer protection group aimed at a disgorgement of profits, because this action had been funded by an external litigation finance company.

Urteil vom 24.01.2019 – I ZR 164/17 – Meda Gate

In einer Leitentscheidung zum Recht des Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmusters stellt der Bundesgerichtshof Grundsätze zum Vergleich der gegenüberstehenden Gestaltungen auf und stärkt die Position des von mir vertretenen führenden Anbieters von Designermöbeln.