
Representative decisions

These published decisions are selected from numerous proceedings in which I have successfully represented my clients before the civil panels of the Federal Supreme Court in recent years.

Judgement of January 26, 2023 – I ZR 15/22

The Supreme Court deals with passing-off in the context of consumer products. It follows my argument, that the Court of Appeals had not correctly determined the standing to sue of the plaintiff.

Judgements of July 23, 2020 and January 26, 2023 – I ZR 56/19

The Federal Supreme Court clarifies the requirements for the laches defense in trademark law.

Judgement of December 15, 2022 – I ZR 173/21

The Federal Supreme Court clarifies the requirements for granting copyright protection for works of applied art and upholds the decision of the Court of Appeals finding in favor of my client.

Order of December 8, 2022 – IX ZB 72/19

In a leading case the Federal Supreme Court upholds the jurisdiction of the German insolvency courts despite a competing insolvency application in a third country. The administrator represented by me can thereby prevent the application of a foreign law that would be unfavorable to the creditors.

Order of September 27, 2022 – KZB 75/21

In this groundbreaking order the Federal Supreme Court decides that arbitral awards are subject to unlimited judicial control as far as they are based on antitrust law. The arbitral award that had been unfavorable to my client is therefore mostly vacated.

Judgement of September 23, 2022 – IX ZR 85/21

The Federal Supreme Court decides important questions of the liability of shareholders in insolvent corporations and confirms the judgement by the court of appeal that had sustained the complaint of the insolvency administrator represented by me.

Judgement of July 14, 2022 – I ZR 97/21

The media company represented by me successfully attacks the internet offer of the city of Dortmund, because it violated the principle that government may not be engaged in activity competing with press and independent media.

Judgement of June 14, 2022 – VI ZR 172/20

I represent a member of the Jewish community against a protestant parish that does not want to remove a historical antisemitic sculpture from the church.

Judgement of February 22, 2022 – X ZR 102/19

The Federal Supreme Court decides fundamental questions of the legal position of the licensee as a plaintiff in a patent infringement case. The decision of the court of appeals that was favorable to my client is upheld with a different reasoning.